VSR-F FM Vane Type Waterflow Alarm Switch with Retard
POTTER The Symbol of Protection Vane Type Waterflow
FM approved
Service pressure:
Up to 450 pSI (31 BaR)
Minimum Flow rate for alarm:
10 gpm (38 Lpm)
Maximum surge:
18 FpS (5,5 m/s)
Contact ratings:
Two sets of SpDT (Form C)
15.0 amps at 125/250 Vac
2.0 amps at 30vDC Resistive
Conduit entrances:
Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit
Environmental Specifications:
• Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and
die-cast housing.
• NEMA4/IP54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit
• Temperature Range: 40°F/120°F, 4,5°C/49°C
• Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle.
This device is not intended for applicationsin explosive environments.
Sizes available:
Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40,sizes 2" thru 8"
BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm
Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF.
Service Use:
Automatic Sprinkler
One or two family dwelling
Residential occupancy up to fourstories
National FireAlarm Code
Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018